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Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1996;14(3): 842-847.
만선 특발성 뇌막염
예종수, 김형준, 김상진, 김종환, 김응규, 허 경, 조효근
인제대학교 의과대학 신경과학교실
Chronic Idiopathic Meningitis
Jong Su Ye, M.D., Myung Jun Kim, M.D., Sang Jin Kim, M.D.,
Jong Hwan Kim, M.D., Oeung Kyu Kim, M.D.,Kyoung Hur, M.D., Hyo Kun Cho, M.D.
Department of neurology, Inje University College Medicine
We report three patients with chronic idiopathic meningitis in whom clinical feature were headache, fever, cranial nerve palsies or CSF showed inflammatory changes. Two patients showed diffuse thickening and enhancement of meninges on CT and MRI, had biopsy-proven intracranial pachymeningitis (diffuse fibrosis with inflammatory cells). In the other patient, MRI and CT showed normal findings. Two patients including one with idiopathic hypertrophic intracranial pachymeningitis improved with corticosteroid and immunosuppressant, while one patient did with lumboperitoneal shunt.