J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 28(3); 2010 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 2010;28(3): 192-202.
심폐소생술 이후 발생한 저산소허혈뇌병증 환자에서 신경학적 예후에 대한 예측인자
윤영신, 김원섭 신지수 정은혜 양혜란 최경규 박기덕 이향운
이화여자대학교 목동병원 신경과
Predictive Factors of Neurologic Outcome in Patients With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy After Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Youngshin Yoon
Department of Neurology, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine and Ewha Medical Research Institute, Seoul, Korea
Background: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can lead to various neurologic outcomes in patients with hypoxic- ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). This study investigated the usefulness of clinical markers and electroencephalography (EEG) in predicting the neurologic prognosis of HIE after CPR.
Methods: We reviewed the clinical findings of 51 patients with HIE, including the medical history, the duration from the onset of symptoms to the recovery of spontaneous circulation, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and Full Outline of Unresponsiveness (FOUR) scores, and presence of seizure or status epilepticus. Patients were divided into three outcomes groups: death, persistent vegetative state, and recovering alertness and awareness. Digital EEG and visual and quantitative analyses were performed in each patient. For quantitative EEG (qEEG) analysis, we defined and compared the distance in the spatial band-power patterns and phase coherence patterns between healthy normal subjects and each patient.
Results: Patients with HIE showed a high mortality rate (54.9%, 28/51), and their neurologic prognosis was significantly related to the initial GCS and FOUR scores. In the qEEG analysis, patients’ groups showed a prominent delta frequency band, and the healthy normal group presented a marked alpha predominance. As the severity decreased, the similarity in the spatial band-power pattern and functional connectivity pattern between normal subjects and patients increased.
Conclusions: Low initial GCS and FOUR scores could be predictive of a poor neurologic prognosis in patients with HIE, and qEEG analysis might be a useful predictor of their neurologic outcomes. Key Words: Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, Glasgow Coma Scale, Full Outline of Unresponsiveness score, electroencephalogram

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