J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 17(1); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1999;17(1): 94-97.
언어적 기억과 시각적 기억에 대한 Wada 검사의 통과 기준
이향운, 홍승봉, 김경원*, 강연욱, 서대원, 최수정, 정진상, 이원용, 김병준, 권혜영, 한현정, 홍승철†
성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 신경과
Cut-off Value of Wada Memory Score in Verbal and Visual Memory Domain
Hyang Woon Lee, M.D., Seung Bong Hong, M.D., Kyung Won Kim, M.D.*, Yeonwook Kang, Ph.D., Dae Won Seo, M.D., Soo Jeong Choi, R.N., Chin Sang Chung, M.D., Won Yong Lee, Byoung Joon Kim, M.D., Hye Young Kwon, M.D., Hyun Jung Han, M.D., Seung Chyul Hong, M.
Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, College of Medicine, Sung Kyun Kwan University, 50, Ilwon-dong, Kangnam-ku, Seoul, 135-230, Korea
Background : The cut-off value which determine pass or fail in Wada memory test has not been thoroughly studied, especially in regard to modality-specific memory domains. To investigate the optimal cut-off value, we tried to know what value is appropriate to forecast good postoperative memory outcome in verbal and visual memory domains. Methods : Eighteen temporal lobe epilepsy patients underwent preoperative Wada test and pre- and postoperative neuropsychological evaluation. Corrected Wada memory score (cWMS) was calculated by ipsilateral Wada retention score divided by pre-Wada score. As a measure of postoperative memory outcome, neuropsycholgical asymmetry index (NPAI) was defined as [(postoperative memory score ? Preoperative memory score) / their mean] and analyzed in verbal and visual memory domains respectively. We made six arbitrary cut-off cWMS values (40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90%) and dichotomized the patients into pass or fail group at each arbitrary cut-off value. Verbal and visual NPAIs were compared statistically between two groups. Results : Verbal NPAIs were significantly different between pass and fail groups at 80% cut-off value (p=0.044). Visual NPAIs were significantly different between two groups at 50% (p=0.043) and 60% (p=0.003) cut-off values. Conclusions : Higher cut-off values may be better for differentiating good and poor postoperative memory outcomes in verbal memory domain, and, in contrast, lower cut-off values may be better in visual memory domain. The verbal and visual memory in Wada test should be analyzed with different cut-off values. Key Words : Wada test - Cut-off value - Wada Memory Score ? Verbal memory ? Visual memory
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