J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 16(5); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1998;16(5): 678-681.
Capsaicin으로 유발된 말초신경병증에서 methylcobalamine 투여에 의한 형태학적 변화
충북대학교 의과대학 신경과학교실
The Morphometric changes of Rat Peripheral nerve after Methyl-cobalamin Treatment in Capsaicin Induced Neuropathy
Sang-Soo Lee,M.D.
Deratment of neurology, College of medicine, Chungbuk National University
Background : Methcobalamin was known to act as a methyl donor in DNA metabolism and increase Protein synthesis for nerve regeneration. To determine whether methylcobalamin affects capsaicin induced polyneuropathy in rat sural nerves. Methods : On their second day of life, 18 newborn rats were injected subcutaneously with capsaicin(50mg/kg). Ten rats were treated with methylcobalamin(500microgram/kg) and eight rats with normal saline 5 days a week for 12weeks after capsaicin injection. Using morphometry and computer digitization, the number and sloe distribution of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers were evaluated in sural nerves at 13 weeks. Results : There was significant difference in the number of unmyelinated fibers between two groups(control group 33,321 ± 15,539/mm2; methylcobalamin group 99,614±20,581/mm2. p<0.0001). Methylcobalamin did not change the number and size distribution of'myelinated fibers. The size distribution of'unmyelinated fibers was approximately the same. Conclusions : This study suggested that methylcobalamln could increase regeneration of peripheral nerve morphometrically. It appears that methylcobalamin might be one of the useful therapeutic agents in various polyneuropathies. J of Korean Neurology Association 16(5):678∼681, 1998 Key words : Methylcobalamin, Capsaicin, Polyneuropathy, Morphometry, Unmyelinated fiber Background : Methcobalamin was known to act as a methyl donor in DNA metabolism and increase Protein synthesis for nerve regeneration. To determine whether methylcobalamin affects capsaicin induced polyneuropathy in rat sural nerves. Methods : On their second day of life, 18 newborn rats were injected subcutaneously with capsaicin(50mg/kg). Ten rats were treated with methylcobalamin(500microgram/kg) and eight rats with normal saline 5 days a week for 12weeks after capsaicin injection. Using morphometry and computer digitization, the number and sloe distribution of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers were evaluated in sural nerves at 13 weeks. Results : There was significant difference in the number of unmyelinated fibers between two groups(control group 33,321 ± 15,539/mm2; methylcobalamin group 99,614±20,581/mm2. P<0.0001). Methylcobalamin did not change the number and size distribution of'myelinated fibers. The size distribution of'unmyelinated fibers was approximately the same. Conclusions : This study suggested that methylcobalamln could increase regeneration of peripheral nerve morphometrically. It appears that methylcobalamin might be one of the useful therapeutic agents in various polyneuropathies. J of Korean Neurology Association 16(5):678∼681, 1998 Key words : Methylcobalamin, Capsaicin, Polyneuropathy, Morphometry, Unmyelinated
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