J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 8(1); 1990 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1990;8(1): 14-20.
전신간질발작과 스트레스가 혈청 Prolactin, Growth Hormone과 Cortisol에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구
홍승봉, 명호진,김상은
서울대학교 신경과, 내과.
Responese of Serum Prolactin, Growth Hormone and Cortisol to Generalized Epileptic Seizures and to Stress
Seung Bong Hong, M.D., Sang Eun Kim, M.D., Hojin Myung, M.D.,
Department of Neurology and Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
We selected 9 epileptics, 9 stressed, and 9 normal men and tried to see how generalized seizures and nonspecific stress influence the levels of serum prolactin, GH and cortisol. Serum concentrations of above hormones, following spontaneous generalized seizures in epileptic men were compared with similar measurements made in nonepileptic stressed men to determine the role of stress in the hormonal response to seizures. Prolactin, GH and cortisol levels increased significantly within 60 min postictally, and peak levels occurred at about 20 min after seizures. Prolactin and GH were recovered to basal levels at I-2 hours postictally, but cortisol concentrations were still elevated. 3 hours after seizures and showed delayed decline. Poststressed cortisol and GH levels were 4-5 times higher than basal levels, but prolactin concentrations did not rise significantly. In comparison of increments between epileptics and stressed men, prolactin ratios of epileptics were significantly higher than those of stressed, but GH ratios and cortisol differences were inclined to be higher in epileptics, without statistic significance.
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