좌측 결절시상동맥 영역의 경색에 기인하는 치매 : 6명의 환자에 관한? 임상 연구 |
허경, 이병인,허균,김진수,김승민,이명식,이병철 |
연세대학교 신경과. |
Dementia Following Infarcts in the Left Tuberothalamic ?Territory:Review of Six Patients |
Kyoung-Heo,M.D., Byung-In Lee,M.D., Kyoon-Huh,M.D., jin-Soo Kim,M.D., Seung-Min Kim,M.D., Myung-Sik Lee,M.D., Byung-Chul Lee,M.D. |
Department of Neurology, college of Medicine, Yonsei University |
Abstract |
Modern capacity for high-resolution brain imaging has facilitated studying the clinicoanatomic correlations of small lesions in subcortical nuclear structures. Several recent reports have convincingly demonstrated that there were particular clinical syndromes associated with specific distributions of thalamic lesions. Thalamic dysfunction due to diveres casues, particularily in the left side has been associated with memory impairment, speech disturbance, cognitive deficits, and behavioural changes. Simplified bedside behavioral examinations were performed in six patients with the left tuberothalamic infarcts. We found severe neuropsychological deficits considered as dementia meeting the DSM III criteria, leaving few focal motor and sensory deficits. The disturbance of attention, speech, cognition and behavior after the left tuberothalamic infarcts are probably related not only to intrinsic thalamic dysfunction itself, but also to the disruption of the regular function of motor, sensory, and integrative cortical stuctures connecting with the thalamus. |