J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 2(2); 1984 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1984;2(2): 203-207.
뇌성 마라리아 1예
장우익, 선우일남, 황연미, 김기환, 민득영, 김호근
연세대학교 신경과, 기생충학, 병리학.
A Case of Cerebral Malaria
Woo-Ik Chang, M.D., Il-Nam Sun-Woo, M.D., Yeon-Mi Hwang, M.D., Ki-Hwan Kim, M.D., Deuk-Young Min, M.D., Ho-Keun Kim, M.D.
Department of Neurology, Parasitology, and Pathology
Presented a 39 year old man of cerebral malaria and pertinent literature were reviewed briefly. The patient was admitted because of fever and drowsy mental state. On admission, there were mild icteric sclerae and hepatomegaly. Brain C-T scan was normal. The cerebrospinal fluid study showed increased pressure (280 mmH20), and protein content (150 mg/dl) with mild pleocytosis. The EEG revealed diffuse delta waves throughout the head. At the 3rd hospital day, the patient was rapidly deteriorated to comatous state showing marked hyperbilirubinemia, thrombocytopenia and bleeding tendency and expired. Numerous plasmodium falciparum parasites were revealed in the peripheral blood smear.

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