J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 7(2); 1989 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1989;7(2): 338-343.
전실어증 환자의 Brain CT 유형에 대한 고찰
이세진, 박미영, 하정상, 변영주, 박충서
영남대학교 신경과.
The Clinical Study of the Brain CT Patterns in the Seventeen Global Aphasic patients
Se Jin Lee, M.D., Mee Yeong Park, M.D., Jung Sang Hah, M.D., Yeung Ju Byun, M.D., Choong Seo Park, M.D
Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University
The lesion of the global aphasia often involves both Broca's and Wernicke's speech area, and is shown as broad lesion in the Brain CT However, practically there were several reports about the Brain CT findings of the global aphasia, which suggested atypical patterns that did not involve both language centers, simultaneously. Therefore we subdivided the patterns of Brain CT finding of the 17 global aphasic patients into 4 subtypes according to whether or not the cortical language area was involved. We obtained the following results; 1. Type A : Involvement of the both language areas : 9 cases (53%) 2. Type B : Involvement of only Broca's area with sparing of Wernicke's area : 3 cases(17%) 3. Type C : Involvement of only Wernicke's area with sparing of Broca's area : 1 case (6%) 4. Type D : Involvement only of subcortical area with sparing of cortical language areas : 4 cases (24%)

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