J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 16(4); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1998;16(4): 474-479.
간질 환자에서의 간질 관련 외상
오동호, 박운규·이영주·김희태 ,김승현·김주한·김명호, 신동진*
한양대학교 의과대학 신경과학교실
Seizure-related injuries in epileptic patients
Dong-Ho Oh. M.D., Woon-Gyu Park. M.D., Young-Ju Lee. M.D., Hee-Tae Kim. M.D., Seung-Hyun Kim. M.D., Ju-Han Kim.M.D., Myung-Ho Kim.M.D, Dong-Jin Shin. M.D.*
Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Department of Neurology, Gil Medical Center, Gachon Medical College *
Background ; The epileptic patient are more easily exposed to danger because of consciousness change or convulsions but injuries resulting from epileptic seizure have received little attention in the literature. We evaluated the seizure-related injuries( SRI ) and the various factors which would often cause injuries. Methods ; We performed a prospective study of 238 epileptic patients of Hanyang University and Gachon Medical Center. Clinical profiles( seizure type, frequency, etiology, absence or presence of aura, etc ) of each patient and SRI excluding tongue bites were obtained from medical records and interviews. For the statistical analysis, chi-square test was used. Results ; 4584 seizure attacks during a period of one year resulted in 48 SRI and the incidence of SRI was approximately 1.0 %. SRI was noted as follows ; head contusion & laceration ( 22 ), other contusions & lacerations( 13 ), burns( 6 ), fractures & dislocations ( 5 ), and death( 2 ; one was during sleep, the other during a shower ). Type of seizure most often causing injury was generalized seizure. Presence of aura did not affect the incidence of SRI, but seizure frequency had a positive relation with SRI. Conclusion ; The SRI was minimal but the patient with more frequent seizure tend to have chances of higher incidence of injuries. And the incidence of SRI was higest in young age group ( 20s, 30s ), probably due to their more active life. Even though strict restriction of daily activities would not be necessary, there should be an effort to improve seizure control and supervise hazardous circumstances. Keywords ; Epilepsy - Seizure related injuries - incidence - seizure - risk

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