J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 1(1); 1983 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1983;1(1): 86-90.
Opsoclonus 2예 보고
서정규, 박영춘
계명대학교 내과.
Opsoclonus-Two Cases Report
Jung-Kyue Su, M.D., Young Choon Park, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine, Kyemyong University
Opsoclonus, defined as rapid, involuntary, chaotic, repetitive, conjugate saccadic eye movements in all directions and persisting during sleep, is often accompanied by myoclonic jerks of the face and body, and at least as frequently by cerebellar ataxia. Opsoclonus, first described by Orzechowski in 1913, has been known by other names such as ""dancing eyes"" ""acute ocular oscillation"" ""ataxic conjugate movements of the eyes"" and ""saccadomania"". Opsoclonus has been ascribed to viral infection of the central nervous system or the remote effect of a visceral carcinoma. We present two cases of opsoclonus with brief review of literatures. The first case is 63-year-old man presented with 15 day history of fever, chill, dehydration and 4 days history of body tremulousness, ataxia, dizziness and opsoclonus. On physical examination, there were typical opsoclonus, intention tremor, cerebellar ataxia and myoclonus of extremities. Brain CT scan showed mild cerebral atrophy and calcification in the basal ganglia. Opsoclonus was completely disappeared 1 month later from onset of symptoms. The second case is 2 month-old girl presented with 4 months history of gait unbalance, opsoclonus and myoclonic jerk of extremities. The brain CT scan was normal. Certain viral infection was suspected as a cause of opsoclonus of our 2 cases.

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